
Flaneur Magazine Issue 08 - Flaneur Magazine

Flaneur Magazine ( Germany )

Flaneur Magazine, nomadic in its essence, has no editorial office so to say, the team works between Berlin and the current ever-changing production location. Therefore this residency, providing the publishers of magazine with a creative headquarters, allows to rethink the nomadic nature while reconnecting to Berlin - the starting point of this project. The residency was a unique opportunity to open production process for Issue 08, showing behind-the-scenes, highlighting the editorial processes and collaborative practices that are so distinct to Flaneur. 

During the residency Flaneur Magazine group collaborated with Germany-based Taiwanese artists and curators to not only work on the issue itself but to extend it beyond its printed format. They used the space at ZK/U to intensify the editorial work on the upcoming Taipei issue and also extend their presence in the artistic community in Berlin. Therefore they organised a public artist talk in which they presented their current research and invited the Berlin-based Taiwanese curator Yenyi Lee to discuss the themes of the project and highlight its transnational qualities. 

The Flaneur project aims to grow beyond the magazine, extending its unique approach to other forms and experiences.