
What do you really think? - Tamar Nissim

OPENHAUS JANUARY 2023 at ZK-U (c) Elisa Georgi, 2023-51.

Tamar Nissim ( Israel )

Moralistic literature (musar) written by religious Jewish women between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries is unique: it connects the experiences of their everyday life with their spiritual world.

Women who wrote moral books raised their voices in a world dominated by hegemonic masculinity. They wrote about their life circumstances, traditional genres of Jewish religious, while referring to moral agendas as spiritual wills.

The question “What do you really think?” posed by the feminist, ethicist, and psychologist Carol Gilligan in her study of feminist morality, will be the starting point for the research on the different ways women internalized the male gaze and how they perceived their individual moral and spiritual roles in life. The exploration of musar texts written by women will serve as a foundation to create an installation and a performative video art.


OPENHAUS JANUARY 2023 at ZK-U (c) Elisa Georgi, 2023-55.
OPENHAUS JANUARY 2023 at ZK-U (c) Elisa Georgi, 2023-54.
"The Blue will Shine White" (c) Tamar Nissim, 2018
"Braided" (c) Tamar Nissim, 2018
"I am Simha Sabari" (c) Ilan Nissim, 2017
"The Best Place to Raise Children" (c) Tamar Nissim, 2017
"Care for the Chicks" (c) Ilan Nissim, 2016
"Operation Baby" (c) Tamar Nissim, 2016
Olive Oil Soap Bar (c) Tamar Nissim, 2015

MusART is an artist-in-residence program developed by the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group “Jewish Moralistic Writings (Musar) of the Early Modern Period: 1600–1800” and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).