
How to be Together? - Huda Zikry

OPENHAUS November, 2022 (c) Elisa Georgi, 2022

Huda Zikry ( Egypt )

Commune Zero is a long term joint experimental and participatory research project carried out between Cairo, Kassel and Berlin interspersed with interviews, readings, and a workshop. It focuses on the topic of collective work and self-organizing in the art, aiming to create and in-depth repository of group methodologies which offer insight into conflict resolution and the sustainability of an artist collective.The project is based on a collaboration between Huda Zikry (together with the Commune Collective), documenta archiv, and Amelie Jakubek (artist researcher from Berlin) to document the collectives of documenta fifteen in audio-visual portraits (to be published on the Commune website). The second phase will be translating and contextualising these interviews into the theoretical framework of a book and the preparation of a series of workshops to be carried out in Cairo and online. During her stay in Berlin, Huda carried out research on artist groups and collectives, with the goal of designing a workshop of readings and exercises, targeted at emergent groups.

(c) Huda Zikry, 2022

Huda Zikry is a participant of the TURN2 Residencies’ programme. Funded by the TURN2 programme of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation). Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media).⠀