'Acid Bodies' is a continuing series of immersive workshops and performance actions, that unpack the historicized body and its economies of desire, and de- and re-construct social imaginaries, together with the people themselves. How would an embodied understanding of psycho-social processes and hegemonies, empower strategies toward an emancipatory critique and activism?How might we approach a rewriting of socio-spatial cartographies, by transforming the paradigms of our own bodies-in-space? Each 2-day journey concluded with an intervention at a public site in Moabit.
During the residency Grace Euna Kim also developed a new immersive performance work 'Dance Party (the apocalypse is disappointing)' which was co-produced at the Lake Studios dance research center in Berlin, where it premiered in December 2019. 'Dance Party (the apocalypse is disappointing)' is a further development of the 'Acid Bodies' research. The work is part of an ongoing performance series that explores psychic, symbolic violence, and the body as a site of resistance in crisis. The main performers were all participants of the 'Acid Bodies' workshop actions.