OPENHAUS 22/09/2016

English version below
Installationen, Performances, Video und KünstlerInnengespräche
Eintritt: Frei
Das September Openhaus zelebriert das Ende der heißen Tage mit der Suche nach Wildkräutern, die den Duft und Geschmack des Sommers versprühen, sowie mit einer audiovisuellen Installation in einem Ford Transit, welche die ehemalige “Gastarbeiterroute” in die Türkei darstellt. Deutschlands koloniale Vergangenheit wird in einer offenen Theaterprobe näher untersucht, während die Einführung in eine Plattform über kulturellen Aktivismus das politische Handeln von heute beleuchtet. Zudem werden Videoarbeiten und ihre Prozesse vorgestellt und die Filmemacher laden zu Gesprächen ein.
Das OPENHAUS ist ein regelmäßig stattfindendes, öffentliches Format des ZK/U. Unser Residency Programm bietet internationalen KünstlerInnen, StadtforscherInnenn, AktivistInnen und anderen ExpertInnen die Möglichkeit für mehrere Monate an Projekten in den Atelierwohnungen des ZK/U zu arbeiten. Am Ende des Monats bieten diese KünstlerInnen beim OPENHAUS Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und laden das Berliner Publikum dazu ein mit ihnen über ihre Projekte und Prozesse zu diskutieren.
TeilnehmerInnen der ZK/U Residenz: Tito Aderemi-Ibitola, Bi´bak, Carousell, Yunju Park, Luana Wojaczek Perilli, Abdul Rahman Mousa, Andrew Rewald, Jan Van Esch, Viktor Vejvoda, Claudine Zia & Nomadic Art
Programm :
Essen ab 19:00
19.30 Uhr: Auszüge und Präsentation des laufenden Filmprojekts von Regisseur Abdul Rahman Mousa, und Regieassistent, Ahmad Kalaji
Führung um 20:00
21.00 Uhr: Präsentation und Diskussion über die Geschichte von Kulturaktivismus mit Claudine Zia
[email protected]
Installation, performance, video and artist talks
Free entry
The OPENHAUS is a regular public format that takes place every month in ZK/U, inviting audiences to connect with the hosted projects and to explore the process of its residency program.
Celebrating the end of hot days, September’s Openhaus will be one of the last stops of a mobile caravan traveling along the former Gastarbeiter holiday route. Late foraging, in the frame of a conceptual cookbook, will also disseminate the scent and taste of summer. Moreover, there will be a theater rehearsal investigating Germany’s colonial past, the introduction to a platform on cultural activism and video projects will be presented and discussed in their processes.
Don’t miss the opportunity to meet the artists in residency and explore ZK/U’s space and surroundings, to ask questions, to discuss and to exchange ideas about ongoing projects and artistic practices.
Participating artists: Tito Aderemi-Ibitola, Bi´bak, Carousell, Yunju Park, Luana Wojaczek Perilli, Abdul Rahman Mousa, Andrew Rewald, Jan Van Esch, Viktor Vejvoda, Claudine Zia & Nomadic Art
Program :
Food from 7pm
7.30pm : extracts and presentation of a work-in-progress drama and dance film by director, Abdul Rahman Mousa, and assistant-director, Ahmad Kalaji
Tour at 8pm
9pm : presentation and discussion on history and cultural activism lead by Claudine Zia
[email protected]

Tito Aderemi-Ibitola
Colonial Neighbours Project - Workshop
Calling all artists, actors, musicians, scholars, dancers, lovers, haters and makers to take part in a Open Workshop for the Colonial Neighbours devised theatre project.
Devised theatre is a collaborative process in which we develop theatrical pieces based on musing, discussion and free play. Colonial Neighbours is a participatory archive project that deals with fragments of Germany´s colonial past. The theatrical project uses the archive´s objects as a catalyst for a discussion and a play. The production will be the result of the process and engagement of each of the players involved. We are opening up a workshop for Z/KU Openhaus participants. Come to participate in an invigorating night of theatre and play.
The project is conceived by Tito Aderemi-Ibitola, a Lagos-based multimedia artist working primarly in performance and video. Her work focuses on the intersections of race, gender, and ethnicity. She is currently artist-in-residence at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U)-Berlin, Galerie Wedding, Goethe-Institut and SAVVY Contemporary.

Autoput, death road, home way (sila yolu) - the former "Gastarbeiterroute" (guest workers' route) between Berlin, Munich and Istanbul has many names. This route is still heavily frequented today, especially by Turkish travellers. At the same time, the return journey has become the so called "Western Balkans route", which over the last years has been chosen by many refugees, in order to escape to Western- and Northern Europe. Through SILA YOLU the intercultural performance venue bi´bak is presenting an audiovisual installation dealing with the transit route and the stories, hopes and fears connected with it.

Collective works
Artists working with video tend to have an archive of unused material. As an exercise in letting go of one’s own footage and authorship, the artists involved exchanged material and giving each other carte blanche to produce something new. The idea of Carousell is to challenge the limits and preconceived notions of what contemporary video art can be. Carousell will present at ZK/U some of the first works that were created through this process.

Yunju Park
"To NK is tour project to North Korea as normal tourists with secret purpose.This project is initiated by a simple idea: as a South Korean, I am not allowed to go there, even though it takes one hour from my place by car driving North. However foreigners are. Taking advantage of this paradox, To NK turns into a public art project reminding of the Cold War and the Korean War.
As a starting point, I am calling for artists and researchers who wants to go and tell about North Korea, instead of me."

Luana Wojaczek Perilli
The video Leo-streben deals with the difficult heritage of conflicts and how a generation comes to strive for overcoming it. The double-channel video installation shows the transformative power of communities and collectivities. A WW2 bunker is transformed in a free climbing school while leaf cutters ants forage from an other bunker roses on post war vases. The audio narrates the memories of a man that witnessed WW2 in his childhood confused and conflicted about his identity by the fact he was born half german in Rome few years before the war started.

Andrew Rewald
The Conceptual Cookbook Project
Weed: a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants.
Wild edible plants are commonly referred to as weeds, but most are actually the ancestors of modern monoculture crops. Weeds have been grown and harvested for food and medicine in all cultures throughout human history. They are first to germinate wherever soil is disturbed and play key ecological roles.
My project at ZK/U is to explore systems of mapping and create a database of foraging locations, associated historical information and recipes I create while in Berlin. This research represents the first chapter of new work titled The Conceptual Cookbook. The Cookbook will frame social interaction and collaboration in diverse city contexts, exploring the politics of food as a symbol of global migration, environmental awareness and our impact on the ecology.

Jan Van Esch
Artist Dis-placement at a NGO
"At my residency at ZKU, that I very recently started, I will be placed at a non-governmental organisation to participate, co-work and research volunteers and look into the volunteer concept in Berlin. I am looking at the growing interest in active grassroots initiatives and the diminishing interest for involvement in more traditional ways of volunteering.
At this OPENHAUS I would like to invite visitors to see my questions and share their experience (or non-experience) with volunteering. There is a special emphasis in male involvement, both as receivers and participants of volunteering (which also links to another project I am involved with, on social spaces for men)."

Viktor Vejvoda
Artist Dis-placement at Berlin Cleaning Company (BSR)
"As an artist I found out in my practice that usage and modification of leftover materials is a more practical, economical and spiritually acceptable way of sourcing project, than simply buying new material. Constantly I am in my life seeking for new sources and for alternative and subversive usage of any material or item I encounter in order to remain in operational mode.
Another aspect of my projects is exploring the situation when a sole artist or individual enters the traditional and relatively conservative environment of a company structured by employees´ relations."

Claudine Zia
A talk on activism in contemporary culture and the role of artist as activist
Claudine Zia´s presentation at OPENHAUS will focus on the manifold and rich history of cultural activism, ranging from the 1960s to the present (i.e., collectivism, DIY, political and social issues, dominant ideological orders and consumer capitalism). There will also be a short presentation of her current project at ZK/U : There is no alternative! Activism and anti-globalism in contemporary culture - a research-based platform that examines the theoretical and philosophical aspects of cultural activism.

ZK/U + M
NomadicArt is offering diverse creative and cultural acitivities, that empowers newly arrived citizens to enter the ‘public arena’ despite legal obstacles restricting their mobility and inclusion in social life. The workshops and events facilitated by NomadicArt are co-created by migrants and experts. They provide a safe space for exchange and action. Besides that, NomadicArt is connecting and including various stakeholders from society: migrants, refugees, activists, researchers, volunteers and other actors in the close neighborhood.