Mariupol, I love you.

Solidarity and benefit event for the people of Mariupol, Ukraine
Werkstatt, Haus der StatistikKarl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178, Berlin,
The screening of short films, discussion and DJ set is dedicated to raising awareness to the city of Mariupol. Russian troops surrounded the Ukrainian port city in the first days of the full-scale war and have been besieging it ever since. The city is now largely destroyed, many residential buildings are no longer habitable. These days, soldiers and civilians continue to hold out in the surrounded steelworks.
On May 2nd we take a look into the rich, diverse and intercultural history of this city - which was mainly unknown to many Western Europeans before the beginning of the war. We dive into contemporary arts, various urban communities, the industrial and cultural heritage. Films shown are directed by various Ukrainian and international filmmakers between 2016 and 2022: They tell stories of everyday life, dreams, relationships and how they were influenced by the first phase of the war that began in 2014.
Participants of the discussion are team members of art-platform Tu (Mariupol), who managed to escape the besieged city and survived the blockade. You will be able to talk to real people who faced the atrocities of this war and Russian genocide of Mariupol city.
All proceeds from the screening will be donated to Platform TU, a local Mariupol NGO and independent cultural center. More information about them can be found here:
The screening is coorganized with Takflix - Ukrainian online cinema. Movies are in Ukrainian and Russian, English subtitles provided.
Within the framework of the CETKA project funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Organised by Platform TU (Mariupol) in cooperation with ZK/U Berlin (Center for Arts and Urbanistics) in the framework of CETKA project, in cooperation with Takflix
Guests: Team of Art-Platform Tu, Mariupol
Diana Berg, Vira Protskyh, Irina Berezneva, Juta Korgun, Daria Zarovna (JmDasha)
19 - 20-30: film screening
20-30 - 22-00: discussion
22-00 - 23-00: Dj-set from JmDasha (Shum rave resident)
Art-cluster Os film for CETKA (work in progress) 7 minutes
Takflix collection: 49 minutes (I love Mariupol collection)
Ma, 17 minutes
Diorama, 12 minutes
Me and Mariupol, 10 minutes
Territory of empty windows, 10 minutes
Jens Schwarts Letter to Jenna \ Mariupol (work in progress) - 22 minutes
Iryna - 8,5 minutes
Iryna - 2,5 minutes
Diana - 5,5 minutes
Diana - 5,5 minutes