
ZK/U+M (Zentrum für Kunst, Urbanistik und Migration)
31.12.2015 - ongoing
nomadicArt is an cultural platform offering diverse creative and artistic activities, that aspires to explore the potential of artistic work as a transformative tool. In the various workshops and projects the group aims to create a space for Berliners, both long-standing and newly-arrived, to be seen and to tell their stories. Although NomadicArt first developed around work with newly arrived people, it has broadened and now works with more general themes of social inclusion and social encounters. Above all, nomadicArt aims to connect and include various stakeholders from society: migrants, refugees, activist, long-time and newly arrived residents, researchers, volunteers, and other actors in the close neighborhood.
The activities of nomadicArt are addressing the inhabitants of the adjacent NUK (emergency shelter), the neighborhood of ZK/U Berlin in Moabit and ZUsammentKUNFT at Potsdamer Platz. It deliberately stays on a small scale, and is continuously evaluated and reconfigured according to the needs of the participants. Next to helping and connecting the local structures, nomadicArt aspires to explore the potentials of artistic work as a transformative tool. The documentation and discourse coming from these activities will be exchanged with other similar groups working in other shelters in the context of the joint working platform ZUsammenKUNFT.
Who are we?
We are currently a group of artists, designers, anthropologists, curators and art theorists working and living in Berlin.
We warmly welcome help from you! Whether by assisting in the existing workshops, creating a new temporal workshop format or helping us to organize events with refugees at ZK/U. If you are interested, please write to: [email protected]
Stresemannstraße 95, 10963 Berlin
Co-working ZUsammenKUNFT
StudioMigra Waldeserstrasse 13, 10551 Berlin
Current projects at ZK/U:
nomadicArt will research and archive stories from a diverse range of neighborhood residents and listen to their family histories. For instance: when and how they first came to live in Moabit and how they live in Moabit now. We will generate an archive of stories and feelings of people who live in the same urban space. In so doing, we will collect intangible heritage and memory from our neighborhood. More specifically, we would like to look for small anecdotes and daily stories which in the eye of the participant would feel like it represents best their neighborhood. With the help of some methods of "cultural probes" we will intend to carry out a first mapping of the collection of these anecdotes on a small scale.
This project will include three main elements: workshops-art actions, artistic interventions and art events. We will work together with the local community, such as artists and anthropologists whose works gravitate around the themes of community and neighborhood. The aim of this project will be to create an adequate collection of the material for a future cataloguing of this intangible heritage.
More information here: