
Chris Kondek


Chris Kondek is a Video Artist and Theater maker based in Berlin. For over 20 years he has created video designs for theater, dance and opera productions throughout Europe. He is also a founding member of the multimedia performance group  doublelucky productions.Ddoublelucky's mission is to find performance strategies that make visible the invisible infrastructures that organise our daily lives. Since 2014 doublelucky productions has concentrated on themes that outline and investigate the continual blurring of boundaries between our digital selves and flesh and blood existences. Recent productions have dealt with how the body appears  through the lens of personal health tracking software, how we authenticate our identity in an age of digital profiles, and our dependence on apps to get to display the "real" truth about us. These productions all include an element of live processing of audience generate data. This work has lead Kondek to theorise about a contemporary form of theater that concentrates on society as it find itself represented in databases.