
BLOSSOM - Eitan Ben-Moshe

© ZK/U Team, 2021

Eitan Ben-Moshe ( Israel )

In his project Eitan wants to create a speculative artistic meeting between two different artistic spirits and creations, and the way that their sensations, emotions and intellect reflect in their artistic projects. The neglected Monuments in Niš (Serbia) like the famous Mihajlo Mitrović and Ivan Sabolićs one and an apparently totally different aesthetic realm, an holistic and spiritual one from a different place and time; the works of Hilma af klint* and some drawings of Emma Kunz**.

As in other projects, in his artistic process it's a theoretical research mixed with an artistic one. With the help of the computer software’s, he reconstructs the monument and combines them with forms and shapes from Hilma af Klint drawings and paintings and from Emma Kunz drawings.

For him, Klint’s works represent the opposite state of mind from which the giant sculptural creations of Niš. In Klint's case the growth of interest in her works in the last years revealed for the public a vast and amazing body of works and writings that her brother has kept safe. Her main body of work was sealed for 20 years (for her request). Ben-Moshe likes the idea of bringing these two different worlds ghosts together to dance in this new project. 

* A Swedish artist and mystic whose paintings were among the first abstract art (1862 –1944) 

** Swiss healer and artist (1892–1963)