
Anthroposonic - Despina Charitonidi

Despina Charitoni 2021

Despina Charitonidi ( Greece )

Humans have radically transformed more than just the surface of the earth. The urbanisation of marine environments is a concerning issue that has worsened over time. 
In collaboration with a group of athletes, synchronized swimmers and dancers, Despina Charitonidi project Anthroposonicis aim was to depict, through choreography, the unseen processes and effects that have radically transformed and worsened the oceans.

The performers interacted with urban surroundings such as streets, sidewalks, bridges, and make elaborate moves through unnatural choreography. In the dry urban environment, the performers looked out of place, like fishes on dry land. With gestures, patterns and rhythms, they createed a physical vocabulary of suffocation, disorientation and despair, an allegory of marine emotions.




Despina Charitoni 2021
Despina Charitoni 2021
Despina Charitoni 2021
Despina Charitoni 2021