
- The Feminist Health Care Research Group

The Feminist Health Care Research Group ( Germany )

The Feminist Health Care Research Group(Julia Bonn, Alice Münch, Inga Zimprich) develops self-empowering and feminist perspectives on health, health care, health politics, crisis, illness and our bodies. We work by visiting initiatives, groups and institutions that have established alternatives in health care. Within our group we employ feminist methods and pedagogies that enable us to share our experiences, needs and vulnerabilities in search of collective strategies of care. We work on thematic research topics; previous aspects of our work include feminist and radical therapy forms and self-help groups from the womens movement, repoliticizing illness and body politics amongst cultural workers and particularly the health movement of the 1980ies in West-Berlin. We issue our research in zines and organize workshops for cultural workers. Our meetings take place on a weekly bases in Berlin. 


// Fellows of Ständige Vertretung May/June 2017:

PMS and FGRG use their stay at Ständige Vertretung in ZKU in order to exchange on their concrete methods. They will organize joint research visits and will each produce a zine, which will be presented at the end of their stay at ZKU.

Email: kontakt(at)feministische-recherchegruppe.org

Das Projekt Ständige Vertretung! wird finanziert von der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Bildung // The project is financed by the Senate Department of Culture