
Guest lecture: Yuk Hui & Kim Kang

Art and Spatial Resistance in East Asia & Mullae Artist Village: Dancing on the gentrification

Yuk Hui is a philosopher and writer based in Berlin. Kim Kang is an artist from Korea.

"Art and Spatial Resistance in East Asia"

In East Asia, land and space policy is heavily driven by the market: gentrification-processes happen at a much faster speed than this is the case in Europe. This process is contextualized in the urbanization process that utilizes art and design to re-organize economy and community. Yuk Hui from DOXA Collective (www.doxacollective.org) will discuss the research result of his upcoming book “Creative Space – Art and Spatial Resistance in East Asia”, by talking about gentrification in East Asia, and how artist and activist groups in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea respond to spatial politics.

"Mullae Artist Village: Dancing on the gentrification"

Kim Kang, from the Oasis Project, will present how artists in Mullae, an industrial area in Seoul, live alongside and with a small metal factory, throughout a gentrification process. Since 2007 more 200 artists have been living in Mullae, running more than a dozen alternative spaces open to public.